Flames Nation
Year 7.8K 64K 8.3 Avg
Ryan Pike 914, Ryan Pinder 728, Dean Molberg 718, Rhett Warrener 538, Mike Gould 169More, Paige Siewert 158, Ryley Delaney 104, Jeff Middleton 91, Robert Munnich 82, Cami Kepke 66, Flash Stevens 64, Mike Wilson 50, Nicholas Martin 50, Jordan Ellams 44, Kent Wilson 38, Shane Stevenson 31, Tyson Cole 28, Raz Devraj 18, Nick Lacoste 13, Liam Mabley 13, Adrian Kiss 11, Sam Nestler 10, Coleman Miller 5, Dave Hall 4, 15 Minutes of Flame 2, Dylan Nazareth 2, Michael Mazzei 1, Zach Laing 1, Jayne Green 1 Fewer
221 to 230 of 7.8K
Content from Flames Nation, the Nation Network's Calgary Flames blog & community with full team coverage including news, commentary and podcasts
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